10/100Mbps Adapter with Advanced Functions


10/100Mbps Adapter with Advanced Functions
The DFE-550TX is a high-performance auto-sensing 10/100Mbps network adapterfor desktop PCs. The adapter is equipped with advanced features and is an excellent choice for powerful PCs directly connect to a LAN switch in a dedicated bandwidth workstation or high-speed server configuration .

Wake-On-LAN for Power Management
Wake-On-LAN (WOL) is an Advanced Configuration Power Interface (ACPI) function allowing a powered OFF computer to be powered ON from a remote station. This function allows the user to send a Wake-up signal to a computer. The WOL function provides a great utility for power management of PC and allows users to initiate action at irregular times and from distant locations.

High Performance
With 32-bit Bus Master operation, the adapter guarantees the highest performance for power workstations and servers. Bus Master transfers data directly between the adapter and the host at multi-megabits per second, bypassing the host CPU to alleviate its workload. This allows the host to concentrate on the application at hand.

Secure Transmission
In the fast 200Mbps full-duplex mode, the adapter's embedded flow control provides a means to protect users against possible data loss during transmission on the network. When connected to a LAN switch that supports flow control, the adapter receives signals from the switch regarding the switch's buffer overrun during peak usage periods. The adapter then delays transmission until the switch is ready again to accept new data.

Flexible Connection
The adapter's single eormector cormeets to either 10BASE-T Ethernet or 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet. 10/100Mbps and full/half duplex are auto-negotiated, completely without users' need to intervene.

 IEEE 802.1p Priority Queues Support
The adapter allows traffic to be queued as critical and non-critical, permitting voice over IP,video-conference and multimedia applications where packets are delivered at Best-effort speeds.

DMI Driver for Desktop Management
The adapter provides a DMI driver for management ofthe desktop PC independent of the network operating system. This allows the administrator to remote troubleshoot the PC from any platform.

RPL and PXE Remote Boot Options
2 remote boot options are available for selection. Administrators can choose to set up a security scheme for diskless workstations to boot from servers using (I) the traditional Remote Program Load (RPL) or (2) Intel's Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE). Stations with boot ROMs installed on the adapter's on-board socket can boot O.S. from NetWare, NT and other servers to run applications designated by the administrator.

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